SLPN Advocacy Action Page

Advocating for a Reduction in Syrian Sanctions

The surest path to move beyond the current suffering of the Syrian people involves a diplomatic process in which specific negotiated changes in Syrian governmental policies are met with simultaneously negotiated relief from sanctions and the provision of international financial assistance for humanitarian purposes and for rebuilding the country’s infrastructure.

This is the position SLPN members are taking on behalf of the Syrian people.

Resources for advocacy

PowerPoint slides (below) from an SLPN Advocacy Training sessions, describing the steps for having an effective meeting with your legislator. Click on each slide to move through the deck.

The Church’s Response to Sanctions: World-Wide Experience with Sanctions.

Reduce Syrian Sanctions, a one-page description of the issue that includes the direct request to the legislator.

Syria Advocacy Fact Sheet, one page with pertinent information about the dire humanitarian conditions in Syria; accompanies the document, Reduce Syrian Sanctions.

Holy Discontent advocacy resource booklet from the PC(USA) Office of Public Witness. See especially pages 8-12.

Personal stories from the SLPN Spring 2021 Advocacy Gathering; transcriptions of the presentation recordings.

Anything on our webpage page, Economic Sanctions

For more personal stories, see “Voices on the Ground” on the Economic Sanctions page.

Century Foundation Report on Syria’s food crisis.